As Board Directors and C Suite executives, we know what is important to business leaders.

Plan C Advisors

Plan C Advisors have served as board members, executives and senior counselors across industry sectors including energy, apparel, food, travel and technology.  We bring deep expertise in areas such as organizational change, risk assessment and mitigation, corporate strategy, value creation and stakeholder engagement. Plan C Advisors individually and collectively direct Plan C engagements and deliver recommendations to our clients.

Hear more from our Advisors here:

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D’Anne Hurd

Focus Strategy; ESG; Governance
Sector Financial Services; Technology
Experience PepsiCo; CFO and GC for tech startups

Lynelle Cameron

Focus Strategy; Governance
Sector Tech; built environments
Experience Autodesk; HP
Base  SF Bay Area

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Tracy Edkins

Focus   Organization; DEI
Sector  Tech; consumer
Experience  Splunk; eBay; Starbucks
Base   SF Bay Area

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Linda Brewer

Focus   Reputation risk; Culture change
Sector   Energy; Power; Tech
Experience   KPMG; ERM
Base  Boston; Austin

Celso White

Focus Supply Chain; Governance
Sector Food & Bev
Experience Molson Coors; Pepsi; M&M/Mars; Campbell Soup
Base  Hilton Head

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Trisa Thompson

Focus  Supply chain; Organization
Sector Tech
Experience  Dell
Base  Austin

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Barton Alexander

Focus  Change Leadership; Organization
Sector Food & Bev
Experience  Molson Coors
Base  Denver

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Dr. Carlos Gaitan

Focus  Risk; AI
Sector  Multi
Experience Climate AI; Arable Labs
Base  San Diego

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Lisa Bougie

Focus Strategy; Value Creation
Sector Consumer
Experience Eileen Fisher; StitchFix; Nike; Patagonia; Gap
Base SF Bay Area

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Amanda North

Focus  Purpose; Community Impacts
Sector  Tech
Experience  Apple; Splunk
Base  San Francisco

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Bee Hui Yeh

Focus  Climate Justice
Sector  Energy, Public Sector
Experience  ENGIE, OpTerra, Chevron 
SF Bay Area

Jim Massey

Focus  DEI; Governance
Sector  Health Sciences
Experience Zai Labs; AstraZeneca
Base  Washington DC

Lorraine Akiba

Focus Regulatory/Policy; Labor relations
Sector Energy, Utilities
Experience Hawaii PUC; Hawaii Dept Labor and Industrial Relations

Jill Kolling

Focus  Supply chain; Comms
Sector  Agriculture; CPG
Experience  Cargill
Base Minneapolis

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Paul Bennett

Focus  Strategy; Start Ups
Sector Travel; Hospitality
Experience   Context Travel; Nat Geo
Base  Cape Town S.A.

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Britt Ide

Focus  Governance
Sector  Energy, Tech
Experience  Northwestern Energy, Boise Cascade
Base  Bozeman

Plan C Interns and Associates

These graduates and current students provide support across Plan C initiatives.

Finn O’Kelly

University of California Santa Barbara, candidate BS Environmental Studies and Economics

Mackenzie Audino

Duke University, candidate MA Environmental Management; University of Washington, BA Business

Anthony Yoshida

San Jose State University, BA Political Science and Government

Riley Swint

Michigan State University, candidate BA Business and Accounting

“When I served as Chief Corporate Responsibility Officer at Molson Coors, we challenged the entire enterprise  to engage in a common effort to improve ‘Our Beer Print.'  Many of the most innovative ideas came from people doing the real work to make great beer responsibly.  We established a cross-functional team and specific performance targets for every area of the enterprise.   With regular reporting, there was visibility to the same metrics from the plant floor to the boardroom and to our stakeholders thorough ‘Our Beer Print’ annual report.

-Barton Alexander, Former CRO, Molson Coors; Plan C Advisor